



24-30 november 2024

24-30 noviembre 2024

24-30 de novembre 2024

Welcome to EFF Barcelona

The Erotic Film Festival Barcelona (EFF Barcelona) is proud to announce its inaugural celebration of erotic cinema, taking place 24-30th November 2024 online. It is to showcase the beauty, complexity, and artistry of erotic storytelling through a diverse range of genres and themes, offering a unique platform for filmmakers and audiences to explore and celebrate human desire and connection.

“As the world becomes more accepting of these differences, it is natural for us as humans to express this evolution through various forms of art.” - Event organisers

We highlight the vast diversity within erotic cinema.

R omantic Erotica

Queer Erotica

Fetish & BDSM

Fantasy, Period, and Sci-Fi

Avante-Garde & Experimental

We need more platforms for this type of creative expression, and we are driven to bring it to a broader audience.

For Filmmakers

Gain visibility among the right kind of industry professionals, media, and an amazing global audience.

  • Exposure and Recognition
  • Awards and Prizes
  • Distribution Opportunities
  • Partnership Discounts

Deadline for entry: 28 October 2024

Our Attendees and Audiences

  • Exclusive Screenings
  • Access Anywhere
  • Voting and Feedback
  • Partnership Discounts:

Submit entries before 28 October 2024